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Watch Season 12 as it goes to air here.

Episode 5

It's Marie who lives in the inner burbs inviting us to her place on this week's show. This single super-mum lives a busy life working full time and looking after her two young girls. Walt and Dani jump in to give her a hand with some awesome ideas for home.


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Helping Marie this week get her cleaning done quicker and easier was on Dani's hit list! A first on the show, we got our hands on the world's first bionic cleaner. Cleans and mops your hard floors.... yes it works... yes we all want one!!

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If you have kids who have just gone back to school- you should get your hands on one of these. A chemical free, pain free way to treat headlice and their eggs! Even Walt and Dani got to have a go!

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RIt's a good job they are good renovators, because they're useless at cooking haha. We made home made pizzas in a bench top pizza oven and despite the disaster with the dough, they were delicious!

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Episode 6

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